Intures has carried out a large-scale maintenance project at a coking plant. The scope of this large-scale maintenance project was to provide supervision of te replacement of a lifting system.

As part of this scope, Staalwerk replaced the cat bar last week.

Two cranes were required to execute this project. The cranes were positioned in the “emission path”. In addition, a frame was mounted to guide and support the cat bar during the lifting works. During the lifting the old bar was replaced for a new one.

Due to the well prepared work plan of Staalwerk the staff’s execution was up to par and a smooth collaboration between the production department was established. Effectively, the job was carried out safely and within time as scheduled for one day and without loss of production.

The newly installed cat bar is a whole two meters longer than the old cat bar. This was per request of the production department, which results in an increased usability of the cat bar.